Art Galleries - Artists galleries

      Artery Gallery LTD - Crieff in Perthshire to St. Andrews in Fife

      International Gallery of Arts - is an online arts resource dedicated to promoting works from renowned and upcoming artisans from different parts of the world.

      GALLERY - photorealistic oil paintings & ART links - Over 250 exclusive paintings in photorealistic, realistic and impressionistic styles. ART catalogue, purchase & sale of paintings, painting lessons.

      The Art of Iurue Burlacu Ion - Still-life, animal, landscape and seascape oil paintings in impressionistic style.

      Art & Graphix Ink - Original acrylic paintingss and graphics, as well as a multitude of links to other interesting sites

      junesartJune Harwood Landscapes - The paintings included on this website correspond with the artist's direction in recent years.

      dottiesartDottie Cooper Katz - Fine art gallery featuring mixed-media originals, prints and murals that are rich in colors, textures, ink, collage, acrylics and watercolors.

      susansartSusan Knowles Jordan - Gallery of wildlife art and fine art in acrylics and oils by this Maine painter.

      Art and Parcel - A unique Art Gallery bringing together over 120 artists.

      Brad Greek - American artist.

      artistscapeArtistScape - A great source for original fine art, emerging artists and their paintings. A virtual gallery which also provides relevant resources and information.

      Paintr's GalleryPaintr's Gallery - This gallery is dedicated to artists, who have their own way of opening the world.

      marcelasartTwisted Reality 8 - A collection of art by Marcela Ortiz.

      grechsartP.N.Grech - American abstract artist.

      tudorroseTudor Rose Antiques Centre - Tudor Rose Antiques Centre in Petworth, West Sussex, offers a wide range of antiques including sofas and chairs, country furniture, silver, pictures, ceramics and painted and decorative furniture.

      brownriggBrownrigg Interiors - Antiques Shop in Petworth, West Sussex, England, offering a mix of antiques, decorative antique and contemporary furniture of highest quality, including paintings lighting and sculpture.

      paadaPAADA Antiques - Petworth Art and Antique Dealers Association, PAADA, represents the vast majority of the many antique shops,centres and dealers in Petworth, Sussex.

      angel antiquesAngel Antiques - 17th, 18th and 19th century English Country furniture, paintings and ceramics and decorative items in a large showroom in Petworth, England.

      ceejaysartClifford J. Ash - "Ceejay" - American artist.

      marshasartZulim Bowers Designs - The Fine Art of Decorative Painting.

      marcelsartMarcel Brekelmans - Abstract pen drawings by Dutch artist.

      littlemonkeyLittle Monkey Murals - Art & Craft Search Directory.

      niloufersartNiloufer Wadia - Pencil drawings and illustrations, watercolor paintings, digital art and experimentation in oil painting, ink and graphic art, styles & design by Niloufer Wadia.

      anneworbesartAnne Worbes - Surrealistic pictures.

      gallerytodayGallery Today - Online Fine Art Gallery.

      Fine Art Datenbank - Earth's Best Artists.

      cardenasartJason Cardenas - Oil Non-Objective Abstract, Still Life, and Landscapes on Canvas.

      marilynandrewsart - Wide range of colourful Artwork by New Zealand Artist Marilyn Andrews

      charlesartCary Charles - Contemporary British abstract & semi-abstract artist.

      stuartsartStuart Artnett - Canadian artist.

      arttlcART TLC

      josartJo Willems - Surrealistic artist from Netherland.

      diegosartDiego Manuel Rodriguez - Argentine artist.

      billsartWilliam Duggan - Realistic, contemporary paintings of animal, flowers and landscapes.

      comanducciComanducci - Universal dictionary.

      lynnesartAbstract Art: Paintings by Lynne Taetzsch - Abstract art gallery of original contemporary paintings by widely exhibited New York artist Lynne Taetzsch. Abstract art explained.

      robertsartRobert Benjamin - American landscape artist.

      Visitez Aux aRtistes peinTres - Galeries gratuites !!!

      augustosartAugusto Fine Art: Cuban artist based on USA, publisher of The Art Fix - an electronic venue of free and alternative promotion and distribution of art and literature worldwide.

      bowmansartBowman Oil Paintings - Original oil paintings for sale from our online gallery. Framed fine art on canvas by contemporary UK artist.

      jansartJan Woodford's Art - Original landscapes of the Pacific Northwest in Oils and Pastels.

      murraysartPortraiture and celebrity prints by renowned portrait artist Murray Postell - See samples of Murray's equisite oil portraits in his art gallery, and order a portrait of your loved one(s) and pets. The artist also has an impressive collection of pen and ink prints of movie, music and sport stars to buy, (inexpensive). This site will stir fond memories of past and present popular celebrities.

      bobsartBob Dornberg - American oil painter.

      SilkyOak GallerySilkyOak Gallery - Irene Brownjohn - Personal online gallery of landscapes, portraits, still life, wildlife and flowers in oil, watercolour and digital media

      welshsartOil paintings for sale, by David Welsh - Landscapes of England and Europe, figures and animals. Portrait and other commissions accepted.

      francescasartFrancesca Judd - New Zealand artist.

      in the hands of alchemyJerry Wennstrom - Author, Artist, Subject of a Parabola Documentary Film.

      san cristobal antiquesFine Art Antique and Collectible by San Cristobal - Antique and collectible Art Gallery, Art Society Culture News, Famous.

      Linda_PaulLinda Paul Studio - Online shopping for bas-relief & egg tempera original art paintings! Limited edition canvas prints of French & Italian architecture, village life, landscapes, still life, & ballet.


      brycebrownartBryce Brown - Bold, figurative paintings from New Zealand, using strong line, texture and colour to capture the essence of the human form.

      erik'sartArt Blur - Gallery of american artist Erik Lopez.

      artandsportArt and Sports - Gallery of artwork based on sports such as snowboarding, surfing, skiing, windsurfing and more ...

      heinzguthartHeinz Guth - Artist from Sweden.

      marcusartMarcus Gorenstein - American artist.

      petersart - Gallery of Watercolours and Pastels by Peter Saw of Leicestershire, UK. Site includes free tips, step by step paintings, tutorials, Art links & Painting Holidays.

      richardsartRichard Barry - Oil Paintings, Prints, Drawings, Portraits. Viewing Highly Recommended.

      marysartM.E.Whitehill - Watercolor landscapes,florals, historic buildings of the Hudson Valley.

      sharynesartThumbnail Gallery - Gallery of Sharyne E.Walker, American artist.

      artistsincornwallArtists in Cornwall UK - Fine Art and Illustratoin.

      davidsartDavid Camp - Surreal 3D Art.

      artmamArtMaM - Fine Art Gallery. - A directory of artists and art related websites organised by subject.

      ronsartRon Gang - The light, color and spirit of Israel's Negev Desert. Oil paintings.

      hafeezsartHafeez Shaikh - American painter and a graphic artist.

      leonsartLeon Engelen oil paintings - Visit the art of Leon Engelen: photographically detailed landscape and animal oil paintings, using classical techniques. The site offers a valuable painting course, as well as an extensive virtual gallery.

      The Art of David R HollandThe Art of David R. Holland - Portraiture, Still life, Wild Life in classical realist tradition in oil. Keep up the good work!

      Charles NewlandCharles E. Newland - an award winning artist, a member by invitation of the National Society of Painters in Casein and Acrylics since 1977 with paintings & digital images in public and private collections.

      Artists of the World - Artists DirectoryPaintings and Prints2 - Artists of the World - Artists Directory - A directory of Artists of the World displaying paintings and prints.

      Elise SavageElise Savage

      Art Gallery WorldwideArt Gallery Worldwide - A lot of artworks in different styles and media. Website offers a wide variety of features and services that enable customers to buy and sell their art.

      deannasartDeanna Clear - American artist.

      michaelsartMichael Bell - Celebrity artist.

      Piri HalaszPiri Halasz - Art criticism and comment about the current art scene.

      lindasartLinda Mears - American artist.

      norisartNori J. Muster - American writer and surrealistic artist.

      Veeno Steiger, Mandalas.

      mondoexpressionismMONDOEXPRESSIONISM - Ms. Vegliante's work is an ongoing cultural diary of Western Civlization's mass hysteria at the breaking point.

      andrewsartAndrew Whyte - New Zealand Specialist in Media Arts and Fine Arts.

      roswitasartRoswita Szyszka - American artist.


      Poster Art Change - Originals 4 Modern DayPoster Art Change - Originals 4 Modern Day - Outhouse Studios, an alternative to buying reproductions, utilizes art created on the computer with modern printing techniques. The result is as lush as a painting, the art as fresh as the concept.

      Ariki ArtAriki Art Unique and Personalized Gift Ideas - Unique Gift Idea - Personalized family or pet portraits from photos. An extra-special gift for dad, a birthday gift for an animal lover, an incredibly personalized gift for someone whom you love, a bereavement gift for someone suffering a recent loss, a mother's or father's day gift idea, a unique idea for a Christmas present, or a gift in celebration of a wedding anniversary, these portraits from photos will certainly give great satisfaction and joy to the lucky recipient.

      puyasartMichael "Mig" Puya - Austrian Artist.

      antoineartOnline art gallery of artist, Antoine de Villiers - Original fine art gallery featuring nude, abstract and expressionistic oil paintings, drawings as well as photographs.

      The paintings of abstract artThe paintings of abstract art - Paintings, biographies, art history and art chat.

      andysartAndy Charles - American Artist.

      JennesartJenne Glover - American Artist.

      alicesartAlice Engelhardt - American Artist.

      jennysartArtmakers Worlds by, Jenny Mehlenbeck - From the Sea to Outer Space and everything in between. Graphics services and more.

      jimsartJim Harris - American Artist.

      ruthsartRuth Hartman - Canadian artist.

      John HelmsJohn Helms - American Artist.

      castrosartBj de Castro - American Artist.

      Mario & Cheryl Roberts Art Gallery - has a wide range of Art & photographic pieces from landscape to contemporary and all original pieces. Free downloadable prints and wallpapers for your PC.

      Van Gogh StudioVan Gogh Studio - your museum quality art reproductions - Hand painted museum quality Vincent Van Gogh art reproductions. The best on the net!

      georgesartGeorge Kennedy - Scottish portrait artist.

      josesartJose Cabello - Spanish artist.

      pritsartPrit Pajos - Estonian artist.

      viesartVie Dunn-Harr - American painter/contemporary realist.

      Kenneth GustafssonKenneth Gustafsson - Art oil,computer art, watercolor paintings

      susansSusan Savad's Gallery - Suburban landscapes painted in alkyds depicting the often overlooked beauty of ordinary neighborhoods.

      iansartIan Stietencron - English portraitist.

      carlsartCarl Toboika - American artist. Paintings Figurative Art, Portrait Art, Landscape Art, Fantasy Art, Wildlife Art and past Billboard Art along with some Sketch work.

      Jos van RiswickJos van Riswick - The artist from Nederlands. Still lifes and portraits in oil paints.

      riasartWildlife, landscapes and pet portraits by Dutch artist Ria Winters

      cizzartFrancesco Roselli - Italian realistic artist from Calitri (Av).

      erichsartTaeubel, Erich, Jr. - abstract paintings inspired by observing surroundings then simplifying the subject beyond reality.

      bobsartRobert d. Hogge - New York Painter, Xfusionism.

      junesartJune Young - American artist.

      The Gallery of China

      donsartDoves Cove - Greeting cards, artistic greeting cards, fine art, acousti guitar music,audio poems, poetry, quilt patterns. Rose, iris, tulip, pansy and many other flowers in beautiful attractive greeting cards.

      balsamosartVincenzo Balsamo - Italian Contemporary Abstract Artist.

      silvanosartSilvana Brunotti, Painter - Contemporary Art in RomeSensitive and versatile artist, Silvana Brunotti represents in her paintingsthe colors and the suggestions of Rome and the shades of landscapes betweenreality and imaginatio.

      Alessia Delvecchio - Italian artist.

      darkosartTOPALSKI fine arts - Wide Variety of Fine arts for Sale by artist Darko TOPALSKI. Works in pastel, oil, watercolor, photo, etc. Landscape, fantasy, figurative, contemporary, abstract, religious, esoteric, signs, symbols.

      cavallosartGiuliano Cavallo - Italian artist.

      massimosartMassimo Falsaci - Italian artist.

      paolosartPaolo Chirco - Italian artist.

      danutasartDanuta Szafranska - Polish artist. Figurative, acrylic painting.

      rhondasartRhonda Watson - United States artist.

      Carla Petretich - Italian artist.


      Terra Gallery

      josesartJose Galvan

      Jose Galvan

      1 Photo 2 Pop Art1 Photo 2 Pop Art - Your Photo in Pop Art on Canvas - Be original, be art, be famous!

      timothysartTimothy Rudd, contemporary artist - Painter who melds cubism with impressionism to create mosaics of energy and color.

      Morgan FerriterMorgan Ferriter, Irish Artist - Irish Impressionist type landscapes and city scenes.


      andreasartAndrea Kostyal - Nudes, abstract expressionism, still life

      karinsartKarin Momberg - Chilean-Spanish naive painter

      fineart-galleriesFINEART-GALLERIES.CH - Swiss Fineartgalleries and Artists on the web...

      suzanasartThe Magical World of Horses - The Equine Art of Suzana Stojanovic an artist. Original oil on canvas and pastel paintings. High Realism.

      Oil and Canvas LLC - fine art gallery, oil painting reproductions, original Asian art - Online fine art gallery featuring oil painting reproductions, original Asian art, dog & pet portraits, landscape art, impressionist art, nude art, and more!

      darragh haydenDarragh Hayden Online Gallery - Artist works for sale from around the Globe

      M. W. Turner - Romantic painter of light

      Van Gogh Art - The art of Post Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh

      Art and artist - Paintings of famous Impressionist art: Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh. Romantic artist Turner and silhouette history. Douglas and Brenda Carpenter pictures

      Douglas Carpenter - Landscape artist painter in watercolour and oil painting. Artist Douglas Carpenter, painter in oil painting and watercolor, features on Impressionistart, Romantic artist and silhouette history

      nicholas'artNICHOLAS ST JOHN ROSSE - British artist.

      barrachiniartBarachini - beautiful realistic oil paintings: landscapes, rivers, flowers, slill life, animals, portraits.

      annabelsartAnnabel Greenhalgh - Original Works of Welsh Landscapes and Seascapes.

      artbywinbergArt by Winberg - Oil painting, realism.

      pearleneartAmerican artist Pearlene Gavlik - watercolor florals, still lifes, seascapes and acylic primitives.

      baraneksartFlorida Artist Alexis Baranek - Oil, Acrylic and Mixed Media paintings.

      fabbrisartChristopher Fabbri Artist / Painter / Poet / DJ - Fine arts: Landscapes, Figures, Abstractions, Collages.

      ankasartAnka Bajurin Art Gallery - Contemporary art exhibitions and art projects by painter from Dubrovnik Anka Bajurin.

      batesartMatthew Bates - Original Oil Paintings in the Style of Magic Realism.

      @TheArtGallery@TheArtGallery - An Art Gallery of Original Paintings for sale online. Paintings of landscapes, floral/flower, wildlife, still life, and farms

      myreproductionsMyReproductions - Oil Painting Reproductions
Offers top quality oil painting reproductions of van Gogh, Monet, Renoir, Vermeer and others. Includes artist biographies and art history.

      geoffraysartGeoffray Williams - Oil paintings for sale.

      brennansartMark Brennan - Canadian landscape painter.

      stablersartBenjamin Stabler - Fine art.

      scotlandartFine Paintings for sale - Scotland represents 150 leading British Artists online

      baleksartFantasy paintings - Virtuelle web gallery fantasy painter Josef Balek from Southbohemia

      lindamanyaLindamanya - Calligraphic artdesign, webdesign and art history advices by drs Arnaut Luyendijk.

      hermann zobristHermann Zobrist - Swiss artist.

      ars novaARS NOVA Suisse - An international combination of free lance artists.

      kutchavasartKutchava Online Art Gallery

      aboriginalart2Aboriginal Art - Unique Gifts - Unique Australian Aboriginal Art. Buy hand carved and painted Didgeridoos, Boomerangs, Rainsticks, Aboriginal Art paintings, Frog Callers, Thunder Sticks, Traditional Masks and lots of other unique gifts. Designs by Australian Aboriginal Stan Yarramunua from the Yorta Yorta tribe. Orders shipped worldwide.

      romanovsartRoman Romanov - Landscape paintings.

      PrintPop_comPRINTPOP.COM - Inexpensive high quality prints.

      artinternationalArt Wholesale: Oil Paintings-Discount Art - Art Wholesale: Oil Paintings - Discount art, international artists, famous paintings masterpieces. Wholesale oil paintings direct from the artists. Abstract art, original hand-painted reproduction and landscape oil paintings. Over 9500 paintings in our online art gallery.

      cooksartA.D.Cook - American artist.

      hansonsartStephen Hanson - American artist.

      niagaraartcollectionNiagara Art Collection - Contemporary Art Gallery. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

      EmporiumFine Arts Emporium - For Artists and Art Lovers

      art4meArt4me - Art indexing site.


      Chris KruseWelcome to the gallery of Texas folk artist Chris Kruse - Folk-pop paintings and digital art Soulful portraits of blues artists

      mariasartMaria Burd - Symbolist artist painting dramatic, sometimes humanoid-like figures, butterflies/moths, and flowers, using luminous colors and narrative compositions.

      kellysartRaw Art by Kelly Moore - Kelly Moore is a Self Taught Artist who has no formal training or education in art. His Original, Expressive work has been referred to as Outsider Art, Art Brut, Raw Art and Visionary Art.

      Geoff WatsonFine art photography of Geoff Watson - Online gallery displaying monochrome fine art photography.

      Mental Health Abuse - Exposing the crimes of mental health practitioners.

      susansartWildlife Artist - Susan Shimeld - Wildlife Art, Paintings, Pet Portraits, Fine Art Prints
and Greetings Cards are available from Susan's Wildlife Art Gallery, Larmer Tree
Studio. Nature in Art helping Wildlife Conservation.

      fineartFine art - Mr.Barder's paint and Chinese Art.

      fineartFine art - Fine Art by Richard F.Barber.

      morgansartMorgan Johnson - An Artist in Oregon.

      reenasartReena Mary Thomas - Indian artist, currently based in Dubai, U.A.E.

      Robert LorensonRobert Lorenson, Sculptor - Informative and photographic sculpture site for internationally recognized sculptor Rob Lorenson. Rob works primarily in stainless steel.

      Michael's artFamous Israeli Portrait Painter Michael Khundiashvili - Online Art Gallery of Oil Portrait Paintings, Famous People Portrait and Family Portraits, Judaica art & Judaism, landscapes & Nature.

      bernardosartFractal Abstractions - Fractal Art by Bernardo Trani.

      art-volgaArt-gallery "ART-VOLGA" - Oil paintings for sale - Russian online art gallery. Original art by contemporary Russian artists. More than 3500 original creative paintings available. Purchase cheaper than in galleries and at auctions, buy wholesale and retail. Guaranteed express delivery within 10 days.

      jan karpisek


      Chriss PaganiAmerican artist Chriss Pagani - Contemporary Art, Abstract Paintings, Impressionism, Expressionism.

      timsartTim Sainsbury - Fine Original Oil Paintings by Tim Sainsbury. Professional UK Artist. Secure Shopping.

      stevesartWelcome to Steve Taylor's online gallery and shop - Taylor's Art Gallery solely exhibits the unique work of the English artist Steve Taylor, better known as TAG. His work is a selection of wonderful, quirky characters full of humour and rich atmosphere. They embody an earthy, rugged simplicity, which bring refreshing delight to the many who own and collect them.

      Amen Home Page - Porto in Photography.

      Leif BringslimarkartPhoto-Leif Bringslimark

      georgettesartThe Art of Georgette Backs

      Franz GrawFranz Graw - German artist.

      sylvainsartSylvain Aimetti - Swiss artist.

      Eric - The official website of the oil painting artist Eric Armusik. Figurative realist painting from 1994- the present from this rising fine artist.

      Nilsson's studioLeif Nilsson Spring Street Studio and Gallery, LLC - Artists' studio and gallery. Contemporary impressionist landscape oil paintings and limited edition fine art prints of the Connecticut River Valley, Chester, CT and interesting European villages by Leif Nilsson.

      Gilbert AbricGilbert Abric - French artist.

      EditasartEdita Nazaraite - Lithuanian artist, living in Canada.

      cossusartMario Cossu - Italian artist.

      Art Solutions for your Home and Business - For ten years TreelineStudio has been known for providing the highest quality fine art products. TreelineStudio helps the collector of contemporary Canadian art choose from different styles of art. The artists represented by TreelineStudio provide an impressive scope of stylistic variety and a diversity of aesthetic ideals, content and technical approach.

      evasartAbstract art - paintings by Ryn - Non-representational abstract oil paintings by Swedish artist Eva Ryn Johannissen.

      XSRAY Studio by Silvia Fabbri
- Photo, Graphics, Design

      taylorsartWildlife art by N. Taylor Blanchard

      iluniasartIlunia - Israel artist - Contemporary Fine Art for Sale.

      Agnes PreszlerAgnes Preszler - selftaught digital artist (Italy) - Portraits, nudes, animals.

      janesartChinese Artist Wang Jane - Unconventional pictures in the universal nature dance as a banner.

      tatianasartOnline Gallery of Painting of Tatiana E. Pouzanova-Galatch

      ArtDanishArtDanish - Online art gallery - Oil paintings for sale.

      ursulasartUrsula Boylan O'Gara - Irish artist

      Ulf LjungbergUlf Ljungberg - Swedish Artist.

      Treeline StudioTreelineStudio - Original Paintings, Prints, Limited Editions and Art & Gift Cards by: David Brougham, Bryony Wynne-Jones, Laura Carberry, and Lorna Dall.

      helensartAustralian artist Helen Duley - This website is a celebration of all Australian wild life. These oil and watercolour paintings depict the beauty and the mystery of the Australian landscape, and its native birds and animals.

      JPM's Fine Art GalleryJPM's Fine Art Gallery - African landscape collection - Enjoy the wild beaty of Africa!

      IOnOne.comLIVE magazine

      AA Art WebAA Art Web - An excellent resource for art!

      alissa'sartAlissa Miller - American artist.

      Ingemar Nystrom

      Dag PetersonDag Peterson - Wildlife Art in different media.

      interarteJ. Kwegyir Aggrey - Artist from Africa

      Nadia RussNadia Russ - NeoPopRealism.

      Alan KiernanIrish Artist Alan Kiernan. - Modern Abstract Equestrian and Surreal Landscape Fine Art Prints and Images.

      EurogalleryLive Art - Eurogallery Art and Trading.

      Joseph T. StevensJoseph T. Stevens - Drawing, Giclee Prints, Landscape, Painting, Portraits, Sculpture, Stone Carving, Busts, Modern Art, Murals, Commisions, floccinaucinihilipilification, For Sale.

      Vicky E. StadtlerVicky E. Stadtler - American artist.

      Encaustic ArtElisabeth van Uden - Encaustic Art.

      Gallery ArtGalaxyGallery ArtGalaxy - Contemporary fine art for sale online. - Start Galerie Pagina DutchArtist Group.

      SofianimeSofianime - Online Art Gallery of American Artist Elisa Chong.

      Theodore WildangerTheodore Wildanger - French Artist.

      Loon Art HouseLoon Art House - Oil, acrylic and mixed media painting. Giclee. Architectural and Nature Photography. Installations.

      Natural MusesThe Acrylic Artwork of Robert D Walker

      Art SkullArt Skull

      Millstone GalleryMillstone Gallery - English Artist Linda Watson.

      ABL Art and FramingABL Art and Framing - Welcome! This site represents a small group of artists who have come together to offer our work to the public. Click the thumbnails below to view our galleries.

      Tim SeawardContemporary Abstract Paintings for sale - Original acrylic canvases by Tim Seaward

      JADDCARDSWelcome to JADDCARDS - Beautiful fine art cards for all your relations, friends and occasions, blank for your personal messages

      Konstantin Dikovsky. Fine Art Photography.Konstantin Dikovsky - Fine Art Photography.

      Alex BazarinAlex Bazarin - Figurative paintings.

      Serge LetvySerge Letvy - Fantasy oil paintings. Beautifull artworks: landscapes, ruines, temples and mountains.

      Portrait PaintingsPortrait Paintings - art gallery - Portraits in the Rembrandt style.

      Lana DianovaLana Dianova - Abstract and Spiritual Drawing

      Toronto Art GalleriesToronto Art Galleries - list of art galleries focuses on the contemporary fine art. Includes an online sample gallery

      Oil Painting Reproductions - Handpainted oil painting reproductions. Specialized in Van Gogh

      Rowell TysonBritish Artist Rowell Tyson - Original oil and watercolour paintings.

      Sunshine CoastSunshine Coast Art - Art & artists of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.

      jette's artDanish Artist Jette Falster (Qreativ) - Oil-, Acryl-, Encaustic-painting.

      Adam AddisAdam Addis - original, decorative and popular paintings and designs. Wide variety of styles and subject areas. Link exchanges welcome.

      All Shops - Shopping Directory.

      Gimena FerrariArgentinian Artist Gimena Ferrari - Art online - paintings of horses, wildlife and fine art nudes.

      Who's Who GuideVisit Who's Who Guide

      Fanny CamposArtpaintmagic is Fanny Campos' website of artworks - Exposition of original works in acrylic, mixed technics on cloth and digital art. Different forms sale of artworks very beautiful. In english or spanish!.

      Choice GalleryPrints, Art Prints Painting, Limited Edition, Art, Sculpture - Choice Gallery, the new way to buy art online. Specialising in Limited Editions and Originals by the worlds top artists; from contemporary artists like Doug Hyde to traditionalists like Jack Vettriano.

      Studio ArtsStudio Arts - Studio Arts Lancaster England featuring arts, crafts, graphics and gallery with extensive stock for all. We are a Daler Rowney Master Stockist, Winsor and Newton Premier Art Centre. Our Gallery features a wide selection of self published Limited Edition Prints and originals. Mail order and trade enquiries welcom.

      kingneonbooksKingneon - Photo realistic paintings by James Kingneon Gucwa.

      Romeo DownerRomeo Downer - Caribbean Artist.

      Echolist DirectoryEcholist Directory - The Echolist online directory features a massive wealth of information, news and links about a wide range of topics for your edification.

      Art World of Andrey EfiArt World of Andrey Efi

      The Vision Grove - Online Art Gallery - Buy unique original artwork directly from the artist: oil, photography, mixed media, jewelry, music and more. We are an online community for artists and creative expression of any kind. Create a personalized profile and interact directly with a network of people. - Oil Paintings Gallery artist - The definitive artists' website gallery.

      Photography CoursePhotography Course - Enroll in our photography school and become a better photographer.

      Marius Pierre CousinMarius Pierre Cousin. Aquarelliste - Free Painting Ecards - Colors of Spring, the warmth of Summer, Autumnal Landscapes, Winter wonderland, the fragrance of flowers or classics... these painting ecards are sure a special way to express your feelings to beloved/ friend/ loved ones !

      MAURI VIRTANENMAURI VIRTANEN S WEBSITE, Finnish and Ecuadorian painter - Mauri Virtanen offers you fine art oil paintings in realistic style and inspired in nature, also portraits and more...

      < - The arts of bulgarian artist Maria Milosheva (Marmi). "I started drawing in 1991 urged by strong inner need to recreate the reality *beyond the usual* - the world of forms and details...".

      art-animalsArt-animals - The art gallery of the honored artist of Russia Igor Moshkin.

      painting-kingdom.comOil painting wholesale

      onemillionarts.comOneMillionArts.Com - A dynamic on-line art gallery where buyers can browse for artwork and related services. It is a creative, stimulating and visually interactive way to advertise to the international arts community. If you have anything to do with the art market then OneMillionArts.Com is the place to advertise.

      oilpaintingsbuyBuy oil painting reproductions,landscape oil paintings - World famous oil paintings.arts oil paintings,landscape oil paintings,portrait,oil painting on canvas,nude oil painting for sale.

      Heinz - online-gallerie & e-shop

      Reservo-artReservo-art - Canvas abstract paintings by Ika

      Acrylic painting on Canvas - Buy online Acrylic Canvas Paintings by Malaysia Painting Angels Ika Mardianti, Lidia Mahadewi, and Wiwik Angren